Fuchs spot

The Fuchs spot or sometimes Forster-Fuchs' retinal spot is a degeneration of the macula in case of high myopia. It is named after the two persons who first described it: Ernst Fuchs who described a pigmented lesion in 1901 and Forster who described subretinal neovascularisation in 1862.[1] The size of the spots are proportionate to the severity of the pathological myopia.



First signs of a Fuchs spot are distorted sight of straight lines near the fovea which some days later turn to the typical well circumscribed patches after absorption of haemorrhage a pigmented scar remains. Like in macular degeneration central sight is affected. Atrophy leads to the loss of two or more lines of the Snellen chart.

See also

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  1. ^ [1] Forster-Fuchs' Retinal Spot